Will there be?

In far away scenes
Circling round like symbols
Will there be peace
In fall when leaves should fall
Like rice at weddings
Now turned to seed
To save the birds
With kindness.
Will they fall about me
Like stars from the wide open sky
And what sight will greet
On ocean nights filled
With silence but for the waves
Crashing down upon
My thoughts like mist
That used to greet
In New York mornings.
Will I find a place,
A shelf to rest my soul
As it becomes weary and perhaps lonely
For the familiar
Now so very far away,
Another place
Once called home,
And I gather about me
Spells and stones
And lift my words into the satchel
To be tossed about
On another day
In a place foreign
Where the mystic says
It is there it shall begin
As true as the numbers
And the whispered ghosts pushing
Invisible threads pulling
To spread the wings
And fly.

Thoughts on the soon/someday move out-of-state to the home by the sea. Praying for just as much peace to be found along the shore as I have found here in my many acre woods….adrift in thought….

Published by

K.L.Laettner author(InfiniteZip)

I am a sometimes poet and an author of fiction novels (K.L.Laettner) on a quest to master the universe of my mind. My writing runs the gamut of nature, off beat, life and basically the world as I see it through the windows of my eyes. Welcome to my blog. Sit a spell in your big comfy armchair or favorite spot and read for a while if it suits and don't forget to leave a comment to let me know who you are and all that jazz. Looking forward to what each day brings and catch you on the flip side of the stars. Peace and blessings.

21 thoughts on “Will there be?”

  1. The imagery, as I traversed through the lines, is ecstatic. I am amazed and delighted to read this beautiful poem! 🙂
    “And the whispered ghosts pulling….. And fly”, describes it all.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, thank you so very much, I am often haunted by the ghosts that tease…but with moving and changes in scenery it is like flying away to the sun☀️ and sending peace and blessings to you. Have an amazing day my friend😊

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hope to be there before winter….still so much to do but we sit out each night and absorb the atmosphere and embrace the emotion it brings…a good healing thing….thought of you this am….bunny at work grazing by the edge of the field…cute little brown one😊


      1. Ah, tomorrow….old lady going on fifteen😊 okay 29…but not really that young either😊🍰🎉 haha and smiles…I always enjoy getting older…makes us wiser I’m told….maybe the fairy will bless me with a million dollars too while she’s at it, hey, you never know, right? Thanks so much and thanks for remembering too😊


    1. We shall see, like living in two different places so un alike….but I shall miss these quiet northern woods but trading for more sun and ocean waves…I can always go back to visit as that is where the family will be…just not visiting till summer😊 thanks G☀️

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