Painted life

She sketches the ghost of a smile
Mirror reflection
Brush coaxed out
The beauty within.
She strokes on color
The palette littered
The colors of her emotion
Applied with loving care
To her blank canvas.
Age old selfie
In oils
Pigments transferred
To match the view
Of all she sees
And below the surface
That which is yet unnamed by her mind.
Still life of girl
Painted by woman
Who longs for the yesterday
Before the creases became
Part of the creation,
Before the browns turned grey,
To a time when youth was beauty
She does not see
That time changes nothing
Just slightly alters
The tones of paint,
Dulling them slightly
Peeling at edges
But still a masterpiece
To the trained eye.

Published by

K.L.Laettner author(InfiniteZip)

I am a sometimes poet and an author of fiction novels (K.L.Laettner) on a quest to master the universe of my mind. My writing runs the gamut of nature, off beat, life and basically the world as I see it through the windows of my eyes. Welcome to my blog. Sit a spell in your big comfy armchair or favorite spot and read for a while if it suits and don't forget to leave a comment to let me know who you are and all that jazz. Looking forward to what each day brings and catch you on the flip side of the stars. Peace and blessings.

29 thoughts on “Painted life”

    1. Thank you so much John, was checking out your blog today too…you are an excellent poet and your wife’s artwork is beautiful too…your words mean a lot to me and I humbly thank you πŸ™‚


  1. Picture speaks more than words .. and poems too. You made a magical experience by combining those two beautiful pieces! Best Wishes to you!! πŸ™‚

    Be Bettr, Stay Bettr! πŸ™‚


      1. I can help you get started, Kim. I’ll be happy to help. CreateSpace is an Amazon subsidiary, there is Bookbaby, Lul, and more. I used CreateSpace for the print edition, and then it sends your file to Kindle Direct Publishing for an ebook if you want. Email me any questions you may have. Do it, you have a wealth of material here, and a good following.

        Liked by 1 person

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