Life in the muck

In the muckity muck
The simple times
So different
When we grow up.
Spa treatments charge
So very much
Precious pennies
Gone like dust.
To sit in the cool
This childhood mucky pool
Having fun
Just being.
Slipping and sliding
Squishing between toes
Laughter escaping between dirt packs
Clothes? Well let’s not go there
The hose will be calling
But you will remember these days of fun
When feeling old and grey
And like life is almost done.
So enjoy the simple times
Get out there and play,
Get a little or a lot of dirt on you
Because mud washes off
And the memories will remain
And when the day is done
You can look back and say
It was all worth it.
Besides, the spa charges just too much
For a proper pore cleansing,
And free is better than cheap.

Inspired by my pal over at words4jp and a blog she did earlier, reminding me of being young playing in the muckity muck. Photos found on Internet.

her life

Published by

K.L.Laettner author(InfiniteZip)

I am a sometimes poet and an author of fiction novels (K.L.Laettner) on a quest to master the universe of my mind. My writing runs the gamut of nature, off beat, life and basically the world as I see it through the windows of my eyes. Welcome to my blog. Sit a spell in your big comfy armchair or favorite spot and read for a while if it suits and don't forget to leave a comment to let me know who you are and all that jazz. Looking forward to what each day brings and catch you on the flip side of the stars. Peace and blessings.

14 thoughts on “Life in the muck”

  1. Cute pic. I still play in the mud, hate pretense. However, there’s nothing like a good run from a lover… I take stress in my back muscles and a partner is not always up the rundown task :(. Then again, I would like an athletic trainer too!! Old age thingy…
    from the Movie:?”Little Miss Sunshine”….. ‘I’m old!”
    And I think I’m gonna start skiing again?
    Wooh oh! 8(
    Ah HELL, ya only live once!!
    In this bod anyway….
    Rambling as the sun begins to shine!!
    I sold a fur coat and paid myself today.
    This none of my own mulah is turning this Ram into a Shark.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The other was getting so big and I was pondering moving to more adult matter which may/may not happen but lots of thoughts still needing to be explored and written🙊 at some point 😋


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